The Church Search

Because I have moved to Orlando, I have had to go to a new church. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to actually find one. There are so many denominations, sizes, styles of worship and so on. I am realizing that I kind of took my church for granted. I have gone to the same church my entire life. It has always been the same thing. Every single week. Until I was introduced to Children's Ministry..... then it was 6 years of wearing the exact same outfit to church every week. Haha. I came to church one time in normal clothes and the kids didn't know who I was. :)

Now I have had to leave the comfort of my home church and go places that are entirely new. If you go to a church for over 15 years of your life, you become very comfortable. The very first place I went to church was extremely nice. When I got out of my car I was so nervous I had butterflies in my stomach. But as I walked up a greeter grabbed my hand and said "I'm so glad that you decided to come to church today". It was so nice. Then she proceeded to show me where to wait before going into the main sanctuary. As I slid into the pew I thought, "I could be very comfortable here!" Praise and worship was very nice, it was a little more restricted than I am used to but again I thought "I can deal with this."

The first church I went to! 
When I got home that night, I had actually determined that this was the church for me. But something in my spirit said no....But why?? Everyone was so nice! The preaching was good and I could blend easily. (It was a very large church) It was almost like the Lord was saying "Charissa, I have something else for you."

So I went to another church the next week. (Let me just state that this was not my plan. I had already figured out that I was going to settle in to my house and my job before I went searching for a church. I was just going to go where a co-worker went. That didn't happen... haha) This church was downtown in an old warehouse. Let's just say it was dark in there. haha. Definitely not the place for me.
The second church.
I guess that 3rd times the charm! When I got into the parking lot of  Christ Church of Orlando, I had some extra time before the service started so I pulled up the YouVersion Bible app on my phone. The verse of the day was Deuteronomy 30:16 which says:

 If you obey the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you today, by loving the Lord your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his rules,[b] then you shall live and multiply, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land that you are entering to take possession of it.

I didn't actually remember that I read this verse until after the service and I got home. But as I came closer to the building I was greeted by a very smiley person who took me into the sanctuary and before I sat down they said "I hope you find a family here." This was the day right after my huge melt down, but that was the first time anyone in Orlando had said anything like that to me. I was touched. Also after every part of the service I had the sense like, "This is where I belong." So last Sunday I went back to that church and I think this is the one. :)

Sorry for the long post! Next time I will try to be shorter. 


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