He loves me...

I'll get straight to the point... I am crying right now. Sobbing might be more like it. Why? I miss my family.... I miss my church... I miss my friends.... I miss my room.... I am so lonely!

Part of my brain is scolding me telling me I have nothing to cry about that I just need to suck it up and act my age. While the other part is sobbing right along with me telling me I am justified in the way I feel. I am just so sad right now.

I know that crying isn't a bad thing. Neither is missing my family and friends. I just feel like I should be trusting God more. Is that weird? I somehow feel like I am letting him down because I am crying and upset. Like I am failing him because I can't be strong and do what he wants me to do without feeling sorry for myself.

But that's wrong! That thinking is so so wrong. Its ok for me to miss my family... It is ok for me to miss my friends and church. It's natural... Something would be wrong with me if I didnt, right?

He loves me even when I am sad. He loves me even when I miss the way things used to be. He loves me even when I fall down. He loves me.

To tell you the truth I don't even know why I decided to write about this. Maybe this was something you needed to hear. I hope so.

It doesn't seem like it from this post but I had a great day today. I will post about it tomorrow. :)

Bottom line: Jesus loves me. I guess I needed to hear that.


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