April Update

Hi Everyone! It's that time again!! It has seemed like the 23rd would never come this month. So like previous months I am going to give you the highlights of what happened :)

This update is going to be mostly pictures I think, what do you think about that?

At home :)

I have been playing my guitar a lot! I have been
asked to lead the praise and worship at CYIA
so I want to make sure I can play well :) 

I have been crocheting a lot! I made all these pot holders minus
 the rooster one. They are hanging on a wall in my dining room.
 Some of my other crocheting projects are baby things for the
Pregnancy Resource Center here in Orlando. 

This is in my kitchen, I have started to collect mugs! Ones
that match anyway.

This is what is going to go on the other wall in the
dinning room :) 
I ran into the gate in front of my house. =/ oops!
No worries though. I fixed it. haha
I made this! It is the beginning of a center piece for my
table :)
Dinning room. So you can see the whole picture! 

At work! 

We had a picnic for the Good News club that I
was helping with :) It was so fun! I got to lead the
game time. Which is my favorite part.... :) 
The sunrise as I went to TCE! I have been going
for the last 3 weeks to teach during this course. 

Our class has 10 students all of which are doing an excellent job!
In this picture they are working on putting together
their Bible lessons for their practicum.

 I don't take very many pictures at work..... I don't really even know what I would take a picture of. I am in the middle of all my preparation for CYIA this year. I think I mentioned it before but I have 13 different responsibilities at training this year. My day off during that week will be Wednesday when I only have to teach one class :) I have been making PowerPoints, writing out my teaching notes and making extra take homes for some of my classes. It will be a busy week :) Another one of my projects has been to stay in contact with the CYIA students so I have been emailing the ones that we have gotten applications from and welcoming them to CYIA this year. Please continue to pray with us that we will have 140 students come to training this year!

Me... =P

Me right before the GNC picnic :) 
I am doing......right now I am a little frustrated.... but overall I am doing really good. Don't I look happy? Haha. The Lord has been really faithful to me these last couple of weeks. I had relapsed into being lonely and sad a little bit after I went home for that weekend, but now I am back to being my happy upbeat self. I have started to get involved with my church, I am helping out on Wednesday nights with the Youth Group and on Sunday mornings in the three year old class. I never thought I would enjoy three year old's, but I find myself thinking about them and getting excited to see them on Sunday. I have even been praying for them during the week. I am finding that it is a joy to love someone other than myself. Please pray with me that I would have an opportunity to share the Gospel with these precious little ones, and the teens.

God is good! I am looking forward to what he is going to do with the rest of the month and the upcoming May!


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