Fingerprints of God - Part 2

I'm sorry that I didn't do this for the three last weeks! I was home one of them then the other two I have no excuse for. But I am going to make sure that this is posted today! Here we go!

There is something so special about spending a week with Christians who love the Lord and are committed to serving him. When I got back from Christian Youth in Action I was different. I continued to have a quiet time in the morning and began to grow in my faith. Then we started clubs.

My very first club I was so nervous. My voice shook as I stood up in front of the kids and gave the rules. My confidence grew as the week wore on and I taught the Bible Lesson, memory verse and songs. One club in particular sticks out in my mind. We were at the YMCA and we waited for the kids to show up... 10 mins past the time for club to begin and no one was there. Then a car pulled up to the portable and a little girl jumped out. "Do you want to do club for just one little girl?" The host looked doubtful as to whether it would be worth our time. "YES!" We responded. To tell the truth we all had a wonderful time doing clubs. Playing gamed and hanging out with the kids it was great! So we all marched inside with Mira the one little girl in our midst. There were 6 of us because we thought it was going to be a bigger club. When someone got up to talk we would all sit back and watch, answering questions or helping Mira as she needed help. It was so funny to watch us pretend to be children for each other.

Teaching the WORD UP! in 5-Day Club (I had really short hair!)
I got up and started to teach a lesson on Cain and Able. When I got to the part where we give an invitation I asked "if there is anyone that would like to know more about believing in Jesus, show me by raising your hand." Mira raised her hand. And I got the privilege of leading her to Christ. It changed my life. I will never be the same because of what the Lord allowed me to be a part of that day. And I knew almost right then, if I do nothing else I want to tell people about Jesus.
The little girl on the right is Mira she was the first child I led to the Lord. Next to her is her friend that she invited to 5-Day Club after that first day.  

I went to CYIA every year for three years. I loved it every time I grew in my faith met Christians that became life long friends and got to make a difference in my community.

2011 crew :) 
 2012 I was a senior in high school. This was it. My time to decide what I was going to do with the rest of my life. Everyone was asking me "So now that your a senior do you have a school that you are planning to go to?" The answer was always the same. No. I had no idea what I was going to do! Stephanie was a part of an internship up at CEF's International Headquarters and she wanted me to take the classes at the Children's Ministry Institute with her in the fall. That was something I was definitely not going to do.  It sounded like really hard work, plus every time she called to talk to me about it she would mention this 20 page paper that we would have to write in the 3rd week of being there. Uh no way was I going to do something like that. It sounded way to hard!

SOooooo I have decided something about these posts...... I am going to write them once a month on a Thursday. I won't promise the consistence of them because obviously I haven't done a good job with it!  I will try hard to remember to do it. No doubt some of you are like "I already know what is going to happen." That is when God throws a wrench into our story to mix things up. My mix up is coming.


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