New Look & the Backstory

Do you like the way my blog looks? Comment on this post and tell me what you think!

I was thinking it goes better with the name. Before with the humming birds and pink didn't really go with my blog name Footprints in the Sand. Nobody has asked me this but I am sure you are all wondering why it is called  that.

It all started with a newsletter.....

"I think it should be called McGraw Mission." "Ew! Not that... anything but that." "How about Faithful in Florida?" "No!" Stephanie and I went back and forth for hours trying to come up with a name for our first newsletter. All the names were horrible. Just plain awful. I hated 90% of them and Stephanie couldn't stand the other 10% I liked. So we were at an impasse, at which time my mother stepped in to give us her advice. We disliked her suggestions too.... Soon we were hopelessly laying across Stephanie's bed about to give up completely, when Stephanie said, "Let's ask Andrew what he thinks!"
Stephanie and Andrew had been talking for a few months at this point so I was reluctant but I said "Ok." One of the very first names he suggested was Footprints in the Sand. I loved it. Also we didn't have anything else and time was running out. So we put it as our header and printed out the newsletter.

When I got into blogging in August, I thought I should keep it consistent so that people would recognize my page. It wasn't until later in 2013 that it became less of a name and more of a calling. I added 'Following His footprints wherever He leads....' because that's what I am trying to do.

What is this blog really about? It's about me. Now that I say it, it sounds really selfish, but what I mean is that it is about my journey with the Lord. All the ups and downs and confusing times in my life. It is about ministry and the great teaching moments and the hard lessons. It is about the passion I have to get teens involved with CYIA. It is about reaching a lost and dying generation with Christ. It is about living alone and making mistakes. Choosing to stand alone and standing together. And maybe this doesn't make any sense to you, but ultimately it's all about Jesus. I could travel alone and get no where, but when I follow His footprints, he's going to lead me to life.


  1. Ooh! I never thought about how your name fits so well with living in FL and with your calling - well, all of believers callings actually! Loved hearing it the name began <3

  2. I love it! The new design is so beautiful! :)

    1. I'm glad you like it! :) I was thinking it was time for a change. Love you <3


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