Memories made :)

I know it is the middle of the week, but I wanted to post some pictures of my happy weekend :) My family was able to come up and we got to spend 4 days together :) It was so nice. Also that weekend one of my friends got married! To top it all off Sunday my family and I went to Disney World! Here are some pictures :)

 We spent the day downtown, this is one of the lakes that is surrounded by a park. Daniel was with us too but he didn't put his head in the right spot. Haha. Oh yeah... Stephanie and Andrew were here too!
 Me and Alisha :) She is so cute, when we took this picture she said "We have to take it again! Look at my hair!" haha
 We saw turtles! And I thought of my lovely friend Laura :) So I took a picture.
 Alisha almost fits a size 5 woman's shoe. Instead of going with the boys to the toy section she stayed with us in the shoes and we had her try on these high heels.
 Kendra and I being silly :) It was so fun to be with her this weekend.
 We went to see Captain America: The Winter Solider last Friday. Stephanie photobombed the picture. What a face! I enjoyed the movie, but for me it was very intense. I don't normally watch things that are violent, not at all so this was very intense for me. But I did realize that I love Captain America even more, than I did before..... :)

 Ryan and Amie got married! Ahh! This is the very first wedding that I have been invited to without my parents. At their wedding it just all became real. That pretty soon my other friends are going to get married, this was like the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Where all my friends and I are growing up, becoming adults with families of our own. It is very weird.
I loved their ceremony, the vows were very beautiful and heartfelt. It was great to be able to be there for this exciting event in their lives.
 This is Daniel waiting in line. We waited so long!!! I think half the time you spend at Disney World is waiting in lines for things. Soon 30 minute waits for things doesn't seem so bad.
 Daniel and Alisha as we waited for the ferryboat. It was fun to watch them as we rode across to Magic Kingdom. When we got into the park, there were four people singing "Spring, Spring, Spring" from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. It was enchanting :)
 Our family portrait in front of the castle, because what Disney trip would be complete without one? :) Except I am closing my eyes and Alisha is looking down at her shoes, other than that I would say we are a pretty photogenic bunch.
 Cinderella's Castle! and a very nice shot of the back of this man's head. Haha, no I wasn't this close to him, I was using zoom. There were hundreds of people there. It was pretty crazy.
 Selfie! It must be some kind of skill to walk through Disney World, avoid the crowds and take a selfie :) haha
 My beautiful siblings <3 I love them! We were waiting in Columbia Harbour House for Mom and Dad to bring food.
 All the girls :)
 Tangled portion of Fantasy Land. Rapunzel is my favorite Princess. So I loved this little section! The bathroom (I know it's super weird for me to talk about the bathroom) was decorated with Rapunzel style paintings. I love it!  Below is a terrible picture of the tower. Which I am also in love with :)
 Alisha got to meet Rapunzel, while the rest of us rode a roller coaster. Cinderella is her favorite, so when she came into the room and saw Rapunzel she was very disappointed. Then she looked over and saw Cinderella "My face went like this." And she showed me the biggest smile. I only had the pictures of Rapunzel because my mom knows  I love her.

The dumbo ride has seriously gotten way cooler! I remember standing in line for at least an hour waiting for that ride and me as a ten year old questioning "Why is this line so long!? This ride is dumb!" Now instead of waiting forever in a line outside that wraps around the dumbo ride at least five times, you go inside to a indoor play area and let your kids go wild while you wait. I decided to take a nap while we were in there. We got a pager and when it buzzed we went on the ride. :) Super fun and air conditioned :)

So now the fun has ended.... they all went home and I went back to work. Monday I was like a Zombie. Even Mr. Chuck noticed how tired I was. But it was worth it. Memories made :)


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