Verse of the Day: Steadfast

This is about 3 hours too late to say I posted it on Monday - I'm sorry...... the good thing is it still works the same the power in this verse is still the same today and forever! YAY! 

I have this issue with looking at all the work I am doing and wondering if it's all in vain - If everything I am doing really matters at all. When I read this verse and the verses above it today - it just spoke to my heart. Oh how I love Jesus! :) Today was a LONG day - a hard day - an emotional day - today I moved back to Naples. It's so bitter-sweet. I am so excited about living at home and being able to work with friends and be able to fellowship with other people down here but I'm going to miss everyone in Orlando. I'm going to miss my home and my bed. I was laying on the couch - which is my bed for the night and just thinking "I can't do this....." Then realizing that their was no other option for me, at least not tonight. And the more I do this day the more I realize I can't do this. I can't do it without Jesus. He's the only way that I can remain steadfast. He is the only way I can abound in the work. He is the only way that I can know that my labor isn't in vain. I am at the end of myself.... but I find when I am at the end of my self - it's where He begins.


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