Verse of the week: I trust in you

Isaiah 26:3
You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3

To be very honest I don't know how to even start this blog post. Peace - tranquil - calm - without disturbance. Charissa - frazzled - worried - fearful - unsure. Right now I don't have much peace - for some reason I am very fearful about my life and the different changes that are going to be taking place in the next couple of weeks. I am fearful about my ablitiy to handle different situations, and fearful that I will fail. I've never really been good about change. It's always been really difficult on me. But this is what the Lord is calling me to do - keep my mind on him because I trust in him and through that He will provide me with the peace I need to make it through today and tomorrow. He will provide me with everything that I need to be useful to him. 

You keep me in perfect peace, my mind is stayed on you, because I trust in you.


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