Verse of the Week: Knowing in part

As I was doing research this morning (LOTS and LOTS of it) I came across this verse. 

It has officially been the verse that I am going to mediate on this week. Why? Because so many times I don't see the whole picture. I see my part, your part or that other guys part but I can never grasp fully what is going on. Only God can. He sees everyone's heart and is wise enough to discern what is happening on all sides - who is right and who is wrong - who has been hurt and how all the stories link together in a never ending string of events. I am not so fortunate as to have such knowledge. I only know in part, part of my story - the section that I am in. But when I see him face to face, I will be able to see everything and how it worked together. I will be able to see his glory displayed throughout my life and know that everything that I have done and will do is worked out for his ultimate plan and the advancement of his kingdom. There are many times in my life that I could have died. So many times that I almost got into a car accident - been in the wrong place at the wrong time but he always protects me. Always - so even when I don't understand what his plan is and I can't see I can KNOW that I am FULLY KNOWN by him. He has a plan and ultimately it is for my good. Even when my life blows up and everything that I believe collapses he is still sure and he knows what he's doing. Amazing. Just plain amazing.


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