Verse of the Week: Coming before a King...

This morning I heard a quiet buzz on my phone and saw a note, that I had written June 11th, had a reminder attached to it so that I would see it again this morning - I really do believe that Jesus knew I would need to read it again this morning. Here is my verse for this week!

This verse ties in perfectly with the beautiful picture of coming before the King of Kings.

June 11th, 2015
Oh Jesus... I'm coming. I'm coming do you see me?
I am barely able to make it to the throne, but I'm coming.
My soul is tired and weak and my heart fails me, but I'm coming.
I'm coming because... well as I come, my reasons for coming change.
I no longer come to be relieved of my infirmary, I come to see the King.
I no longer come to have rest, I come to gaze at his face.
Because as I come I remember who He is and who I am. 
I remember how small and insignificant I am, and how majestic and powerful He is.
To come into his presence to get something from Him is a joke. 
Because in the presence of this King you bring things, not come expecting to take.
But I have nothing.
Nothing to bring the King, worthy of His time.
Only the tired, worn down, barely beating heart in my hands.
I can't give the King such a gift as this! 
For what gift is this to a King who has everything?
I am about to turn away.
To run and hide my face ashamed that I would think of coming with so little.
"It is enough."
Did I hear him right?
"Come to me. It is enough."
I slowly approach the throne.
And when I stand before him I clutch the little broken and bleeding heart.
It is my only possession without it I'll die. 
But I open my hands to him, "If you want it, your majesty. You can have it." 
Gently he picked up the tired, lonely, broken little heart.
He gently kissed it and held it close to him,"This is the most precious gift I could have received. Thank you for giving it to me. What is it that you need?"
I stop and bow low before him,"All I need is to be able to stay right here all day. If you'll allow me sir, I want to sit at your feet."
He smiles at me and that's when I know that this is what he wants too. 
He picks me up and sets me on His lap, gently guiding my head to rest on his chest.
"Darling stay as long as you like. And as you do I will fix your heart. I know you can't handle these situations alone but I can help you. And as you stay here you will come to know me in a special way. A way that is different than before. You are always welcome to sit in my lap and rest in my arms as the days begins. I love you."
With these words His arms wrap around me.
And for once that tired, broken, barely beating heart.... doesn't hurt.

A beautiful picture of how the Father greets His children who come to Him. It doesn't matter if you have life all figured out or if you are like me and you have a barely beating heart that is broken. As you come to Him, He changes you. To be still and wait on Him. Knowing that He is able and will exalt Himself above all the earth! That He doesn't need you or I to proclaim His majesty to all the nations. If we but come before the King, He will do everything and take care of us.

I'm so thankful for that picture.


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