Blonde to Brown: What you need to know

Recently I have changed hair colors. In doing so I have noticed a lot of things. Here are my top five.

The slow progression from a blonde to a brunette 
1. People don't know who you are.
It's like being invisible. You can walk past people who have known you forever and they don't know who you are. Haha I think the best was going to Orlando this past weekend because people would stare at me really hard like "I know her... I know her but I don't know who she is." Haha.

2. You are the same human being... (you will always be blonde) 
I don't know why... but I thought I would be a little different if I had brown hair. It's a lie. I am still the same blondie I have always been. Take the other day for instance. I was walking and I fell. three times.... haha (or maybe I am just extremely clumsy)

3. People think you are in trouble.
No I am not emo. No I don't hate my life. No I am not struggling with depression (Yay Jesus!) I just wanted to change my hair - I'm fine.

4. Your hair is darker.
This might be a really blond thing to say but YOUR HAIR IS DARKER! It's so weird! When my hair falls out I can see it. It doesn't just disappear - its dark and really nasty looking. I can't handle it. It's probably the worst thing about being a brunette is my hair falling out and me being able to see it!

5. You can't use it to run.
I think one of the main reasons I wanted dark hair was because I want to make sure that people in Naples knew that I was different. I'm no longer the 17 year old girl they used to know. I'm grown up - at least a little - and I wanted people to see that. Physically see it that's why I did the dark hair. But it isn't me. So I'm going back to being a blonde once this dye runs it's course. :)

It was fun brown hair - but I need to be me :)


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