Locking Eyes with the King

I'm frustrated. I feel like that is how 50%  of my blogs start and that's really sad. I was having a really good day. It started off with me getting rained on - no I'm not being sarcastic - I was so happy to just be relying on Jesus and knowing that he is taking care of me. I could just feel him near. I came to the office and realized that I had an extra change of clothes in my car and again I was amazed at his provision. But then - I lost sight of him. I started to work and do things that really didn't matter at the moment. Here he was waiting to spend the WHOLE day with me and making it such a good day but I chose, willingly chose to leave him behind and go ahead. Wow. I had such good ideas for an encouraging blog post - I was going to tell everyone about what I learned through the rain, but honestly I don't even remember. How sad.

My favorite song right now is "We Dance" by Bethel. The bridge says "And I will lock eyes with the one who's ransomed me. The one who gave me joy for morning. And I will lock eyes with the one who's chosen me. The one who's set my feet to dancing." And I sit here convicted... because all day my eyes have been on paperwork, or crates that need to be organized, or God cans that need to be fixed, or the fact that my eyebrows no longer match my hair...the struggle is real. This whole time he has been trying to get my attention and I quietly work away ignoring the only one who can keep me in perfect peace, the only one who can give me joy, the only one who can make me dance again. I just can't right now guys. I can't do life without him - and I don't want to, but its hard to lock eyes with him when everything else is calling for my attention and demanding that I take notice. But honestly that's what this day is lacking. It's lacking him and that makes this day stink.

Hey Jesus.... Could you help me with this day? I want to be full of your joy and I want to do what you want me to do. Sigh. I'm so sorry for doing other things when I should have been looking to you. Will you salvage the rest of this day?

The really cool thing is I can hear him whisper softly like he always does, "Of course I can."


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