
Just a few minutes ago, while I was on the phone with my mother I heard scurrying. I sat up in my bed and looked toward the hallway in terror. "Mom! I heard something moving outside my room!!!!" The rats that visited in the spring are still fresh in my memory so I was petrified. The sound came again as she tried to reassure me that it would be alright.

When I heard it a third time I started hyperventilating and panicking. "What am I going to do mom!?!? I'm so scared! I'm...(deep breath in) starting....to...have....a.....panic....attack....." She tried to calm me, "Its ok Charissa just call someone to come and help you." "Mom I don't think I will ever leave my bed again!" My mind was frozen I couldn't think of another human in a fifteen minute ratios that would be able to help me. Just as I was about to lose it I realized...

It was just a piece of paper on the vent.


  1. That is hysterical! Haha... Oh those moments when our brains trick us.


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