Words ~

As I was reading My Utmost for His Highest the other day, Oswald Chambers said something that struck me as interesting. He wrote - "Watch the kind of people God brings around you, and you will be humiliated to find that this is His way of revealing to you the kind of person you have been to Him."

I believe there are all people in our lives who we would say we don't resemble at all! Not in behavior not in words that they say, but if this statement is true, though you may never do it to someone else you might have been that kind of a person to the Lord. Ugh! I am guilty of this.

Many times I come across people who discourage me, I attract them like flies to honey. (I guess the devil knows the areas that I am weak) These people will tell me things about myself or the job I am doing, possibly not meaning to hurt my feelings but they do. The words they use to explain themselves are like little daggers in my heart. They might reason "Charissa knows how I am. She understands my personality so she will know that what I say I don't mean to hurt her." But it does.

Then I have to step back and look at myself. How many times have I reasoned with myself that God understands my anger? That my criticism of his plan for my life won't affect him. Because he knows me... he understands my feelings. It's true that he does understand my feelings, but it also hurts him. We are like Him. He made us with feelings and emotions that He Himself feels, Completely unknowingly I have hurt my Savior. Sigh and that makes me feel awful.

Words are powerful.
"LIFE and DEATH are in the power of the tongue 
and those who love it will eat of it's fruit."  
Proverbs 18:21

We have to be wise to choose life! Choose to say those words that will be uplifting. I don't want to get to heaven and find out that I missed it here on earth. God give me words that are uplifting! Give me words of life!


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