When things don't go right 0_0

In two weeks I will be making a 19 hour trek up to Missouri for GUIDE Retreat. What is GUIDE Retreat? It is a two 1/2 day event that is designed to help people learn more about the ministries of CEF and also to help them learn more about who God created them to be. During the two days we look at our personalities differences as well as the plethora of CEF work in the different countries around the world! It is a great event that CEF puts on and the best part is it is FREE! Yay!

I have over 14 people who are interested in coming to this event and guess who was nominated to make sure everyone had a ride? If you guessed Charissa McGraw, ladies and gentlemen you are the winner! Over the past couple of weeks I have been bombarded by people who are asking me "Hey Charissa can you put my name on the list? Can I go with you guys?" And for a few days it seemed like we were going to get everyone up there. But both vehicles are full now and I have 5+ teens who thought they had a ride and want to come. Things aren't exactly going how I thought they would/should go. 

Yesterday at church the speaker was talking about how we need to surrender control of the situation to the Lord instead of letting fear make us want to take control of it. I guess this is one of those situations that the Lord is testing my words yesterday, "Will you actually surrender this situation to me and give me complete control?" So now in this moment I am faced with a choice.... do I surrender to the Lord and let him take care of this messy situation? Or do I try and pick up all the pieces and use tape and glue to make it better? 

To me there is only one option that really makes sense. When things don't go right... I need to surrender. 

Dear Lord,

Will you take this from my hands? I don't know what to do. 
I don't have another vehicle for these teens to ride in.
 I know you can make a way. So I'm letting go of it.
 Please be Lord in this situation. 



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