100th Blog Post! - An open letter to myself at 15

So for my 100th blog post I thought I would write a letter to my 15 year old self. I thought it might be fun... We'll see :)

Dear 15 year old Charissa,

Hey! I know you.... Or at least I did once upon a time. Someone asked me what advice would I give my younger self if I could... so here it is - though it's about five years late for you.

1. Follow Jesus - It is seriously the best thing that you will ever do with your life. I thought that once I consecrated my life to God that all of a sudden I would lose who I am and that He would ruin my life. FALSE. If anything I am happier and more fulfilled than I have ever been in my entire life!

2. Don't beat yourself up so much... I know that you get upset at yourself for making mistakes - but guess what? You are going to make mistakes regardless of what you try to do to prevent it. Honestly the mistakes you make now pave the way for bigger mistakes that you will make in the future and you will be better because of them.

3. You are beautiful.... let that sink in. Charissa Elizabeth McGraw - you are beautiful. I know that you don't feel like you are. I know that you can't see it and when you look in the mirror you just see a plain ordinary girl but you are beautiful. Even when nobody says it, even when you don't feel like you are, even when you feel like you aren't good enough - remember that God thinks that you are beautiful.

4. Friendships are important. There will be a time that you make a mistake in your friendships and everything will just kind of explode - but don't let your pride stop you from making it right. I know in high school it seems like everything is HUGE! but it isn't. The friends you choose to surround yourself with right now makes you who you will be later. You will lose friends and gain friends and you don't have to be afraid! You can make friends :) People will like you (surprising I know :)

I cried a little as I wrote you because I really wish that someone would have told you these things. I look at pictures of you and the memories come up in my face - some of which I wish I could change. But God knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote your story Charissa. And when you look back in a couple of years you will be able to see the hand of God in your life :) Don't give up! You can do it. Trust me I know....



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