Verse of the week: The Lord Judges

Sorry that this is late. Yesterday I got distracted and I let it take me away from things I know I need to do. Here is the verse for this week:
Psalm 75:7
But it is God who executes judgement,
putting one down and lifting up another.
Psalms 75:7

God executes judgement. Not Charissa. So many times I will look at a situation or person and think that I know what their heart motivation is and so I judge them accordingly. I think a lot of Christians do that too. But the truth about the matter is that God executes judgement, not us. He know exactly what it is that they need, why they have come to him, why they are hurting, he understands ever situation in their lives and so he is the only one who is able to make a fair judgement. Sigh. Sometimes I wish I could just be the person that I want other people to be toward me - and I am a lot better so much different than the girl I used to be before I knew the Lord, but some days I see her again and it makes me sad. I'm not finished yet, but he is still working.

 I also see in this verse that God promotes and demotes people, he is the one who again sees and knows everything and can bring people where they deserve to be. I love that. I love that I don't have to worry about my social status because God is the one who ultimately decides for me where I should stand among people. God is good. 


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