Verse of the week: Jumping to Conclusions

1 Peter 4:12-13
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. (ESV)

Today I am sad. Today I am feeling hurt. Today I am this. Today I am that. Today I have a choice to make. Today doesn't define the rest of my life. Today will be over in twelve hours. Today isn't who God is. Today doesn't say what I believe. Today is just that - a day. Today is nothing but a wrinkle.

I feel sad. I feel hurt. I feel broken. I feel lost. I feel not enough. I feel. But what I feel is wrong. I am precious to God. I am a daughter of the King. I am whole. I am enough. I am loved. I am valuable. I AM says that I am his.

God is not far away. He is listening to me right now. God sees. Everyone who comes to him finds refuge. God is bigger than my failures. God is just in all his judgement. God doesn't look at the outside of me but he looks at my heart. God hears. God can feel my pain. God provides a way out. He always does. God is near to the brokenhearted. God is enough. He is I AM. He is Jehovah. He is Almighty God. He is Alpha and Omega. Beginning and End.

Why did I do this? Because honestly I am surprised by this fiery trial. I'm surprised at my inability to handle it. But he's not. It doesn't matter what I throw at him he is not surprised in the least. He sees and understands all my feelings. He doesn't have to ask questions because he already knows. And even though I feel like I'm failing, he still loves me. He holds me in his hands and never lets me go. Sigh. He is good even when everything is falling apart. He is faithful through it all. He never lets anything slip. In him I am a victor. In him I find peace. In him I am whole again. In him I find relief. In him I can rest. In him I am enough. In him I am healed. In him I can rejoice.

Sorry this wasn't really put together.... I am kind of a mess today :)


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