Verse of the Week: Suffering

1 Peter 5:10
And after you have suffered a little while, 
the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, 
will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
1 Peter 5:10

I love this verse because it has a promise attached to it. Let's break it down okay? 
And after you have suffered a little while -  I love that Peter is acknowledging that they are suffering. So many times I feel like people say "Pray yourself out of it!" or "The things that you are going through are not suffering - you just need to get over it." Suffering is real! And it comes in many different forms, and sometimes it is deeper than just getting over it or praying yourself out of it. (this doesn't mean I don't believe in praying - I'm just saying that sometimes we need an intervention of God to get out of suffering.)
  the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, - Our God is one of grace! Not only grace but ALL grace! Wow amazing! And he has called me - It is not an accident that I am where I am right now but I am specifically called to this place for such a time as this. His eternal glory gives us the reason that I am called, for the glory of Christ, that others might see my suffering and life and give glory to God. 
will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you. - The God of the universe is going to himself restore you. Whatever was lost, whatever was sacrificed, whatever was given up - he is going to restore to you. Maybe not in this life but it will be given back. He, himself is going to confirm you. What has God promised to you? The plans that he has will be confirmed. He, himself is going to strengthen you. Out of trials come the strongest victors. He is able to take whatever it is and make it a strength for you! He, himself is going to establish you. Whenever I think of the word establish I picture a tree that is planted by a stream and it's root dig deep into the earth. Nothing can shake it or sway it, because it is established. That is what God is going to do for me!  

Can I tell you all something? (I feel like if you made it down this far you deserve a prize!) 

I am suffering. Not a whole lot but a little, will you pray for me? Pray that  I would endure and that I would find peace in my Savior. Honestly I can't make it through this without someone praying for me and standing alongside of me today and well everyday. I appreciate it more than I can say. 


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