Can't live without!

"What's one thing you can't live without?" I posed this question to a group of 12 to 14 year old girls - the answers varied. "My phone!" "Music" "Food..." "Friends :)" They all knew what the "right" answer was of course God, Jesus and Church. For some that might have been their legitimate answer, but I know that some were just saying it because they knew that that answer would make them look good.

It really made me think - "What is it that Charissa McGraw can't live without?"

After pushing aside all of the obvious answers (i.e. food, air, water, sleep) I realized that I truly can't live without Jesus. Maybe a year ago I could have lived without him, but now I can't imagine spending one day without being in conversation with him. There are days when I am frustrated and angry so I stay away from him but I never go that far because I love him.

I never knew what it meant to fall in love with Jesus as a teenager and new believer. It sounded really weird to me. "Fall in love with Jesus? What?" but all you have to do is get to know him and you can't help but be drawn to his heart. He is so good, so kind, so passionate about the lost, so loving, so long-suffering, so patient, so giving, so everything that I am not and can never hope to be!  He is mine and I am His. It will never cease to amaze me that this perfect Holy God can love me. It makes me really happy!


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