Little Faith

I got a hair cut!
That is not the purpose of this blog post but I thought you might like to know :) 

New... when I say this word at first I am excited - then I get a little bit nervous. Like someone telling you they something new for you. What is it? How is it going to look? Am I going to like it? That's how I feel about 2015. My verse for this year is Isaiah 43:19 which says: 

"Behold, I am doing a new thing; 
now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?
 I will make a way in the wilderness, 
and rivers in the desert."

When I heard this verse on New Year's day and read it the same morning in my Bible I knew that it was God's promise to me this year. 

But I'm afraid. 

I know I shouldn't be and that I don't have anything to worry about - but new makes me uncomfortable. I like sameness, unless I get to make the changes, but in following the Lord I don't make the calls - He does. The silly thing about all of this is that I have no reason to doubt my Savior. I have never been failed by him I have never been let down - all evidence of my life points to his goodness and faithfulness - yet I doubt. Oh ye of little faith! That's me folks. Little faith. 

So pray for me! Pray that I would be willing to accept whatever the Lord brings me this year. I know he has my best interest in mind. Even when I don't think that's what's going on. Sigh. 

Bring it on 2015! I'm ready :) 


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