Verse of the week - He cares about me

Matthew 6:30
But if God so clothes the grass of the field,
which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, 
will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
Matthew 6:30

So I look at this verse and a lot of things stand out to me, but one kind of shines brighter than the rest. God cares about the intimate details of my life, so why would it be so outlandish if God cared about the bigger things in my life? Sometimes I get impatient because I think that he can't possibly know how much I need a certain thing in my life and I forget that he is intimately acquainted with every detail of my life. He knows where my breaking point is, he understands the beating of my heart and he loves me despite all that I do that is unlovable. It kind of amazes me... That this all powerful - All knowing - Wonderful God would look down on me of little faith and care about what is happening to me. Sigh. He is so good to me! 


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