Can I Tell You About My God?

Let me tell you about my God. He spoke and the world was formed.


Like breath and then *POOF* land appears, water and plants, all the animals. To top it off with two living breathing humans who have personalities and bodies so intricate science can't replicate it!

Unadulterated power.

My God parted the Red Sea. And then closed it on the enemy. He lead countless people to the promise land. Has won numerous battles. He has wiped cities and people groups off the planet. Raised the dead to life again!

He is the definition of power and might.

This God wants to take care of you. If you will let Him. He wants to provide and protect. He wants to part seas and raise the dead. He wants to for you!


Think about that! The God who spoke everything into being wants to do all of that for you. If you'll let him. Will you let Him be the Lord of your life? Will you hand the reigns of your life over to Him? Will you? Will you?

If you won't, you must not know my God. Ask him to reveal Himself to you. I promise it will be worth it.


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