Verse of the Week: My Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
Psalms 23:1‭

I memorized this passage when the kids in my Sunday School were learning it. At the time it was just fun to say and remember. Something that made me feel safe knowing I was cared for.

Now it is so much more.

The fact that, like a Shepherd, the Lord watches over me and takes care of me is more than comforting. It is peace filling. Because if He is watching over my every move then I know He will alert me to danger, call me to safety, fight battles, protect me. The word Shepherd can figuratively mean a Friend.

Think of that.

The Lord is your friend.

How cool?!

If the verse just stopped there it would be an awesome truth that we can hold onto. But it continues, I shall not want. This phrase literally means to lack, so in essence, I will not lack.

Nothing lacking. Nothing broken. Nothing wanting.

Because He is your friend. Because He is your Shepherd. He will take care of all your needs! Provide everything! And satisfy all your deep desires. Desires to be safe, loved, valued, protected, needed, whole.

He puts himself in a place of responsibility for you. He chose to be your Shepherd. He chose this. Which means He is going to take care of you.

He reminded me this morning, that He always takes care of what is His.

That's very comforting.

This week, rely on your Shepherd for all your needs. Trust in the relationship that He has put Himself in to take care of you. Trust in Him. Ask him, "Jesus how does it make you feel to be my Shepherd?"

I'm sure the answer will be rewarding :)

Charissa's paraphrase:
Because He is my Shepherd, I will not want.


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