I'll wait

I'm a doer... I like to do.

Right now I'm not in a position to do. Everything in my life is up in the air. Hurricane Irma did a number on my normal. So I'm sitting around a lot...

Not doing anything.

Its a mixture of everything horrible and peace all at once. So awful!

I've been trying to figure out how to do something worth my time, (i.e. cleaning up after the storm, helping people in need, bringing relief) and follow Jesus. But those two things could never be so opposite.

I want to do.
Jesus wants me to be still.

I'm a mad house on the inside. Half peace; half chaos! It is almost unbearable. But Jesus gives me opportunities to help here and there.

Tonight I was upset because I was not able to do anything. Downcast and discouraged I came to my Jesus. This is what He said,

"Its not about doing things Charissa - its about watching me do."

Then I began to write this.

Today Jesus allowed me to do something... It didn't seem that important. Going out and inviting people to eat a free lunch. But Jesus allowed me to see just how important following Him is. At least one of those people were blessed by it.


So I guess.... I'll wait. I'll take the lesson of of patience from the Lord. And do what He tells me. I'll pass up just doing things and pray. Because when He does things - people are blessed and changed.

That is worth the wait.


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