Verse of the Week: Higher than I

From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psalms 61:2

Let's be real, I love Psalms. I always fall into that book with eager expectation. Because unlike the seemingly perfect apostles, (I know they had bad days, how could they not?) David is just like me. He has exuberant praise for the Lord, but sometimes his soul was heavy. Nothing stopped him from coming to Jesus.  I deeply admire that.

From the ends of the earth I call to you - When I hear this I can't help but marvel at the fact that the Lord can hear me wherever I call to Him. He delights in hearing me when I call to him. I could be on a mountaintop or in the darkest cave and He would hear me. I love that.

I call as my heart grows faint -  Too often my heart does grow faint. Right now it's growing faint in being patient. The Lord has been urging me to trust Him, wait upon Him, and see His salvation. But like Pastor said on Sunday, "Waiting is not the same thing as being patient." I laughed when I heard that because I knew the Lord was singling me out! In the process of learning patience, I can't tell you how many times I've gotten angry. So many times! I would come into my room to remove myself from hurting the people I love and I would fall onto my bed with a faint heart. The beautiful thing is, He heard me. As I cried out for the grace to keep my cool and be patient.

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I - I think David was on to something. Instead of asking the Lord to tell him what to do, or where to go or how to fix his heavy heart, he says, "Take me to where you are." The Rock is Jesus. The only firm foundation is His word and all who find refuge in the Most High are saved! The response to the faint heart isn't a formula, but a person. Lead me to where you are Jesus! Take me where I can be found on that firm rock. Teach me to walk where you are. I recognize that you are supreme Lord over all! You alone are HIGHER than I!

If only I could learn this.

That the solution to my problem is never doing something. It is going somewhere - straight to Jesus. He is the ROCK that is HIGHER than I am. When I am found on Him, I will be sheltered from any high waters and I will find the cure to my faint heart.

So lead me, Jesus. Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.

This week as you deeply embrace Jesus, remember that He is always the solution. No matter how your heart faints you can trust in the one who knows you and has a firm foundation for you to stand on. Ask Him, "Jesus, how are you the rock in my life?"

Charissa's paraphrase

Everywhere you hear me, Lord,
My heart is getting heavy,
Lead me to Jesus who is higher than I.


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