Even in the Rain

I'm sitting in my car listening to the rain hit my roof. Honestly, it is so soothing I could probably fall asleep and I want to. It is safe, warm, and comfortable.

Imagine with me for a second how it would feel to sit outside the car.

In the rain.

Its cold, wet, and uncomfortable. The worst. If you've ever been caught outside in a storm you know what I mean. 100% of the time I would choose my nice warm car over sitting outside in the rain.

But what if following Jesus takes you into the rain?

Following Jesus, took his disciples into the rain. So many times! And not just in the rain but on a boat in the rain! That is worse! So much worse!

Jesus takes us into the rain too. Sometimes through circumstances, people, jobs, hard life events... You name it the storm comes. Most of the time we retreat to what is normal, our comfort, safety zone, and decide that following Jesus is just too uncomfortable. We choose safe over Jesus.

This is a mistake.

For the last couple of months I've been walking through one of the worst storms of my life. I've only lived 22 years, so let's just say, the WORST. But Jesus has showed up so gloriously on my behalf!

Just think! If the disciples hadn't followed Jesus into the storm they wouldn't have experienced him calming the sea! Or him walking on water! Peter would have never walked on water himself! Think of all the things missed by seeking out comfort instead of fully abandoning and following Jesus.

The benefits far out weigh the discomfort.

Jesus told me once that following him was difficult for a moment but reaps reward for eternity.

My Jesus knows how to keep me safe, warm and dry in the middle of the storm. I can trust him, even in the rain.


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