Glorify Yourself - A prayer about Hurricane Irma

Jesus, I gotta be honest.

I'm scared.

The thought of tons of water flooding my house is scary. Winds of 140mph.... I can't even imagine what that would be like. In my mind I think of hurricane Wilma that made our yard look like a tree had been massacred. But that was little compared to this.

When I think about you Jesus... I realize that Irma... Even with its mile wide arms, is little to you.

Because you are great and big.

You are mighty and powerful.

If you came to Florida in all your power and glory I'm sure it would destroy everything. But you are good. Kind. Faithful. Loving. Compassionate.

Jesus wherever Irma lands, I trust you. Even if its in my back yard, because I know you.

You are the God who calms seas.

The God who parts waters.

Who makes heaven and earth stand still before you.

That's who You are.

I choose to trust in who You are. I choose to trust in what You have done. I choose to trust You. Regardless of what happens to me, or my family. Regardless of what happens to our home and my stuff.

Regardless, Jesus, I will trust You.

Glorify Yourself in this situation. Make Yourself known. Make Your name great in all the nations. That everyone will know there is no other God in all of Heaven or Earth. You deserve all of the glory and honor, forever and ever.



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