Verse of the Week: What Pleases Him

For God is working in you,
Giving you the desire and power to do what pleases Him.
Philippians 2:3

I know this is early for next week - but last week was late. :)

Do you ever feel like you have to create desire to do what Jesus wants? That it isn't enough to just believe that Jesus is doing the work - that you have to try to make it happen in your own power?

I feel this way all the time. Like I've said before, I am a doer. I like to do. This verse reminds me of this simple truth...

I don't have to create the desire or power to do what the Lord wants me to do.

He is going to help me with that! It is Him that works in me to desire and do what He wants! Better than that, Hr helps me do what will ultimately please Jesus. That is my desire, to please Jesus in everything I do. With His power and desire behind it, I'll be unstoppable.

I'll tell you all a secret. I love to write. Haha, I guess that is why I have a blog. Recently, I have been feeling that the Lord wanted me to write books. Every time I sat down to write though... I had no words to say, just blah! So I didn't write.

Guess what happened yesterday?

I sat down to write and I couldn't get the words out fast enough! I would walk away and feel the Holy Spirit drawing me back to the computer. I sat for most of the day writing out the story the Lord placed on my heart - but it wasn't from me.

I know it wasn't! When I tired to have the desire and power to do it - nothing happened. But when the Holy Spirit was drawing me to write I couldn't stay away!

So this week as you go through your life, ask Jesus, "What in my life this week do you want to give me the desire and power to do?"

Charissa's paraphrase
God is working in me, giving me desire and power to do what pleases Him.

Also, I am thinking of putting the book I am writing up a chapter at a time. It is a small book probably 6-10 chapters. I am still praying about it, but I wanted to give you a heads up! :)


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