This week the word from Jesus is "Freedom".

When I think of freedom I think so someone with their arms extended out twirling in a circle. Like running outside after doing school all day, or leaving work with the radio blasting after a hard day.

We have all experienced some level of freedom in our lives.

But the freedom that Jesus gives us... The freedom that he requires is so much better than that picture. He gives us a picture of a bound man loosed from his chains. The chains fall to the ground and he is free - to do whatever! Indebted to his rescuer.

The first freedom a Christian secures is that freedom from sin. No longer bound to sin but alive in Christ! The second kind of freedom is a loosing of things that bind us.

Some of those things for me were:
Sexual Perversion

There are more that the Lord is dealing with me now - but just look at that list! That is five ways the Lord freed me! Five ways He showered His grace on my head. Five ways He delivered me! Five ways I will never have to travel again.

I have lived with those things for most of my life. Sexual perversion when I saw pornography on accident when I was five; rejection from family and friends; fear of failure and not being right; pent up anger from hurts unnoticed; lust for food, clothing, things etc. I lived this way my whole life!


Until Jesus so graciously set me free.

So my word this week (that you will probably see written on my arm) is Freedom, because "if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36


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