
It has been almost nine years, but I remember the day my life changed. I was sitting about six rows from the stage and listening with bated breath as the speaker talked about Jesus. My heart started beating wildly in my chest as I realized that he had something that I didn't have. Something that I wanted. We bowed our heads and I can't remember what was said all I know is that when I was allowed I jumped up and pushed past everyone in my row to get to the front of the room. I ran to the front I knelt down and begged God to forgive me. I asked him to help me to live for him. That day I decided I wanted to serve God for the rest of my life. When I stood I left my old self at the alter and walked back to my chair completely changed. No one understood the change in me. Everyone asked why I was different. To tell you the truth I didn't even know.

That's real love, guys. That right there is the greatest love story that I will ever experience. Sometimes I get so caught up in the hype and emotions that the world tries to shove in our faces and I forget that I have already lived the greatest love story that there ever was or ever will be. 

A Prince gave up his royalty to come as a regular human to rescue me. He wanted me to be his own so badly that he looked past the dirt and scars, the layers of sin and shame and he called me out of the gutter to be his own. He suffered and died a horrible death so I wouldn't have to pay the debt that was mine. I deserved to die for the sins I had committed but he chose to die for me. When I look at him I can't help but see the nail scarred hands and know that I was the reason that he has them. When I look at him I can't help but notice how much he suffered. All for me.

He showed me what real love looks like. It doesn't look like lust or passion unchecked.... it looks like sacrifice. It looks like three nails and a cross. It looks like giving up rights and being humbled. It looks like compassion and mercy. Real love looks like forgiveness. Real love looks like Grace.

So when the world says that I missing out on my love story-  I can tell them.... I'm living it.


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