New Things

Hey guys....

So what I am about to share has been in the works for a couple of months but as I have been praying today - I feel like it's time to share with everyone.

Here goes! :)

This is the short story - I will be resigning at the end of this year from being the CYIA Coordinator in Florida. I don't know what the Lord has next for me. I know he is still calling me into ministry and I am just waiting on him to direct me. It is difficult for me to wait because I want to know now. I want to be aware of the plans that he has for me but I can't. So this year is a year of trusting the Lord for the new position he is going to provide.
Here is the long story! Last October I came to GUIDE Retreat in Warrenton. I came as a guide - I did not need to be guided. Or so I thought. I was so excited to get here and help people to think through everything that the Lord was teaching them and I was just excited to see what God was going to do in the lives of the students that I had brought with me. That's when the Lord started to speak to me.

I had been doing my job at that point for ten months and as one of the speakers was talking I felt the Lord nudging at my heart. I was confused by this - why the Lord talking to me? I mean I already knew what I was going to do for the rest of my life, right?

As I began to pray he said to me, "Charissa - this is not your forever." I know that is very obvious to everyone but when you are 20 and doing a job - I guess I just wanted it to be permanent. I was upset - here I was coming onto one year of ministry in Florida as the CYIA Coordinator and the Lord was saying that I wouldn't be there in 2016. I didn't want to. I was so comfortable doing my job working with the people that I work with and mentoring the teenagers that I didn't like the possibility of something different. I was also afraid. I was afraid that the people would be upset that I was moving on and that they would be mad at me.

They weren't. When I finally came and told Chuck and Mark about how I felt the Lord was leading me they were supportive - the number one thing that I remember from that meeting is that they more than anything they wanted me to follow the Lord.

So what was I going to do next?? - this question followed me everywhere. To which I have one answer that I always give "I don't know...." I have been praying and seeking the Lord. I have pursued a couple of different options - both in ministry with CEF and otherwise but so far everything I have looked into has bottomed out.

Now 6 months later - I am in the same spot. I didn't want to tell anyone that I was uncertain because I already have so many questions that I answer with "I don't know. I'm just waiting on the Lord."

Pray for me! I need it - I have this desire to know exactly how I am to serve the Lord in the future. Right now all he wants me to do is just follow him by doing what I have been doing and being faithful where I am right now. Sigh. It's just hard.


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