Verse of the Week: Overcome

I'm sorry.... I totally forgot yesterday to do this -Sigh.

John 16:33
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

This is one of the verses I love to quote. But going through this trying time it has taken on new meaning. He has been telling me over and over to focus on him and how I have to be found in him. This world is constantly changing - it is constantly unstable and will bring me trouble and tribulation. But I can find peace in the source that is ever unchanging. Guess what? Every battle I face - He's already won. Because He has overcome the world. I don't have to do anything - no I can't fix myself but I don't have to because He has already overcome it. Amazing. 

It might be really silly to you but this makes me cry with relief. I don't have to save myself - I don't have to fix the world and make my life perfect because in this world I will have tribulation I will have trouble, but Jesus has already taken care of it. I'm so thankful. I'm so grateful for Jesus. I am sitting in my office listening to Overwhelmed by Big Daddy Weave - you should listen to it and just thank Jesus for being so wonderful. :) 


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